We decided we want to be a theatre company which highlights comedy. That was our intention as we were all pretty much a company that makes each other laugh. We read the Arts Council England’s guidance and it tells us how to be a successful theatre company. The guidance allowed us to estimate our performance, creative and imaginative abilities in order to for our company to strive the best we can. We came up with;
- Aiming to make accessible shows that can be understood by anyone whilst also challenging perceptions of what comedy is and what we find funny.
Wanting to explore comedy through the use of original writings and an ensemble cast to highlight the importance of community and the relationship between the audience and performance.
Wanting to remind people where we came from, what we fought to get here, and show that even if we have to do it all again, at least we can laugh about it.
(Kickapigeon.blogs.lincoln.ac.uk, 2017)
From these points, we knew that comedy was the genre we all wanted to do.
Works Cited:
Kickapigeon.blogs.lincoln.ac.uk. (2017). About Us |. [online] Available at: https://kickapigeon.blogs.lincoln.ac.uk/ [Accessed 29 May 2017].