Developing the World

“Why does Beckett put in the detail he does? Could we cut with impunity? Why did he put in so much? Come to that, why did he not put in more? And why should he have stopped when he did?” (Paul Lawley, 2008, 3)

During recent sessions our Dramaturg Elif has had us discussing the nature of the world our characters inhabit and what it means to them.

It has been agreed that our play should have a Waiting for Godot-esque vibe to it, in the sense that our characters don’t exactly achieve anything. Part of the conundrum with achieving this was figuring out why our characters cannot leave.

This led Elif to asking what the record store represents; a home, or a prison. From this we were able to determine that for each character it was ultimately both, as for some there is something tethering those to the building, and to an extent this same tether makes them want to leave. In future sessions we intend to continue exploring this theme to develop the plot.

Lawley, P. (2008) Waiting for Godot: Character Studies. London: Continuum.

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